Monday, September 30, 2019

Divorce and Its Effect on Children

Divorce and its Effect on Children Sociology 120 Wednesday December 7, 2011 My research paper is focusing on how divorced parents affect children. I am focusing mostly on how the child is affected behaviorally, emotionally, and academically. I chose this topic not because my parents are divorced, but because I will be getting married at the end of this month and I thought this would be interesting. I believe that in many cases, divorce is not needed and that the parents should work a little harder and sacrifice to have better relationships with each other and their children.The question I want to answer is if children are affected by the divorce of their parents, and if so, how much. My hypothesis is that children of divorced parents are negatively affected behaviorally, emotionally, and academically. I felt like it was better to focus specifically on these three areas so I could better measure what it is to be negatively affected by divorce. After I first chose this topic to researc h and use for my paper, I started off with the general question in mind of does divorce affect children. I used the LCC library resources online to start gathering information.It was after I spent a while gathering information that I discovered that my topic was too broad and that to more effectively answer the question I was seeking, I needed to narrow down my topic. I looked at the research I had collected from online, newspaper articles, and academic journals, and found a few reoccurring themes. These themes of children of divorced parents being affected emotionally, behaviorally, and academically are the ones I would like to address in my paper. Divorce has become a very common element in today’s society.When more than half of all divorces involve children under the age of 18, divorce does not only affect the husband and wife, but now more than ever their children get mixed up in the sometimes ugly process of divorce. Every year more than one million children experience t he divorce of their parents, and overall close to 40% of all children will experience parental divorce before they turn 18(Amato). Emotional damage is most likely the hardest effect to identify and diagnose with children of divorced parents because it can be hard to measure and is not something that can easily be see.An article in American Journal of Family Law entitled â€Å"The Psychological Impact of Divorce on Children: What is a Family Lawyer to do? † discusses a study that surveyed 1,000 teenagers between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. The study recorded their opinions on divorce and measured thoughts, feelings, and attitudes on the subject. Dr. Robert Gordon conducted the poll and named it the GordonPoll Youth Survey. The teenagers were asked about their parents’ arguing and 50% of the teens said it is â€Å"terrible. When asked what the arguing consisted of, 26% said that their parents’ arguments included â€Å"criticizing the other parent. † Another 35% said that their parents’ arguing included screaming, hitting, and â€Å"throwing stuff† (Jolivet). Dr. Robert Gordon stated after the results of the poll were collected and analyzed that, â€Å"Clearly, children are more deeply bothered by parent conflict than most adults think. While very few adults would scream, hit or throw things at their spouses, most married couples would admit that they at least occasionally disagree and criticize each other in front  of  their children.I’d like to think that these survey results would make them think twice about that† (Jolivet). Whether the parent’s are still together and fighting, or divorced and fighting, it is clear that the children who are caught in the middle of the parents’ feud are the ones who suffer the most. This same article discuses a list of factors that researchers have compiled together to help identify a high-conflict divorce that could have a more significant impact on a child.The factors that have been identified include â€Å"criminal convictions, involvement  of child welfare agencies in the dispute, several or frequent changes in lawyers, frequent court hearings, the overall length  of  time it takes for the case to settle, and a history  of  contact or timesharing denial† (Jolivet). The effects on children emotionally and behaviorally are roughly doubled when they are a part of a high-conflict divorce. These high-conflict situations should be avoided at all costs to ensure the emotional impact on the child is minimal.Studies have shown that children who are a part of these high-conflict divorces experience powerful negative emotions including, â€Å"chronic stress, insecurity, and agitation; shame, self-blame, and guilt; a chronic sense  of  helplessness; fears for their own physical safety; a sense  of  rejection, neglect, unresponsiveness, and lack  of  interest in the well being† (Jolivet). Luckily, most divorces would not be classified as a ‘high conflict,’ but that does not mean the emotional impact on children of divorce is nonexistent. At the very least, stress is a major problem that divorce has on a child.Robert Emery, Ph. D. is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Children, Families, and the Law at the University of Virginia. Emery has written numerous books on the subject of divorce and family relationships. An article he has written displays the results of a study he did on college students and the lasting impact divorce has had in their lives. Of the 99 students polled in this study, 73% admit that they would be a different person today if their parents had not divorced. Close to half also say that their parents’ divorce still causes struggles in their lives (Emery).Emery also says that besides stress being a major impact on children of divorce, the risk that they will have other affects is substantial. He says, â€Å"Divorce c learly increases the  risk  that children will suffer from psychological and behavioral problems. Troubled children are particularly likely to develop problems with anger, disobedience, and rule violations. School achievement also can suffer. Other children become sad for prolonged periods of time. They may become depressed, anxious, or become perhaps overly responsible kids who end up caring for their parents instead of getting cared for by them† (Emery).The article â€Å"The Psychological Impact of Divorce on Children: What is a Family Lawyer to do? † states a number of behavioral problems that are brought out in children who experience a high-conflict divorce. Some of the behavioral problems are defined as, â€Å"a group  of  behaviors which can be described as: lower commitment to marriage, infidelity, problems with anger management, feelings  of  insecurity, neediness, demandingness, denial and blame, contempt, and poor conflict resolution skills, high er levels  of  depression, and more problems with peers† (Jolivet). In comparison, Dr. Paul R.Amato of Pennsylvania State University compared the results of these studies to similar ones of children who have grown up in stable, two-parent families. The children of the stable families have a â€Å"higher standard of living,   receive more effective parenting, experience more cooperative co-parenting, are emotionally closer to both parents, and are subjected to fewer stressful events and circumstances† (Jolivet). Another study performed by Dr. Amato and Dr. Danelle D. DeBoer has shown that adults who have experienced the divorce of their own parents as children prove to have higher rates of divorce themselves. During the 17 ear study, 2,000 married individuals and 335 of their children who also got married were observed. The study revealed that divorces were seen more often among the adults that had parents of their own who had divorced. Dr. Amato commented on his s tudies with the theory that parents who had seen their own parents’ divorce saw divorce as a reasonable solution to an unhappy marriage. Dr. Amato does add that adults with divorced parents are not necessarily going to be doomed to divorce themselves, but that they may need to work a little harder to keep their own marriages from following the same path to divorce (Jolivet).Psychologist Judith Wallerstein, founder of the Judith Wallerstein Center for the Family in Transition, has conducted numerous interviews with children of divorce and to this day is dedicated to her qualitative method stating it is more personal and intimate. Wallerstein began her interviews back in 1971, directly after the no-fault divorce was passed in California. Divorce rates began rising as parents took advantage of this new law not taking into account the affect it would have. Wallerstein decided to start talking to the children about how the divorce affected them.Of the original 131 children she had when she started her project, she has continued contact with 93 of them. The children are now adults themselves and through her interviews she has determined that, â€Å"the major impact of divorce does not occur during childhood or adolescence, rather, it rises in adulthood as serious romantic relationships move center stage. When it comes time to choose a life mate . . . the effects of divorce crescendo† (Peterson). Wallerstein found that of the 93 adult children of divorce she has interviewed, only 40% have married.She says that the adult children of divorce expect to fail at marriage and that they fear â€Å"loss, conflict, betrayal and loneliness. † She also states, â€Å"That she is amazed that the children of divorce tell her divorce is with them every day of their lives† and â€Å"how much their parents' divorce shaped their adult years. † (Peterson). It’s plain to see that based on the results of these numerous studies, that divorce certa inly does play an important role in the lives of children of divorce both while they are still young and as they grow into adulthood.It not only affects their life as a child, but also their future. An article in the The Miami Times entitled â€Å"How divorce affects a child's education,† Fran Newman, author of â€Å"Children in Crisis† explains some of the ways a child’s education is affected by divorce. She states that it can be very difficult to detect the way divorce affects a child, but one of the more noticeable changes is in a child’s education. Whether the child begins acting out in class, or their grades drop, it is something that needs to be addressed. Newman encourages strong communication between home and school.She also adds that, â€Å"in recognizing that there's something wrong at home, teachers look for two things. One is a child who is normally energetic and outgoing withdraws. The other is the stable child who all of a sudden begins to act up and get into all sorts of problems† (Education). Are the differences in school because of the arguing that occurs at home, or the fact that the parents devote most of their time to the divorce, new spouse, or themselves instead of their children? Sara McLanahan, a sociologist at Princeton University, has done several studies measuring the academic effect divorce has on children.In one such study, McLanahan discovered that children of divorce are more likely to drop out of high school compared to children whose parents stay together. In her studies, she found that the middle-class is affected the most and that, â€Å"They are roughly three times as likely to drop out of high school if their parents split up. † She also found some interesting results that show how the children are affected as they grow into adulthood. In girls, she discovered that they are more likely to have a premarital birth, and boys have a higher chance of being unemployed (Divorce).Kathleen K iernan of the Family Policy Studies Centre and Martin Richards of Cambridge University have also done research of the lasting impact divorce has on children as they grow older. Their research however was focused on families in Great Britain where there are more records, some dating back to the 1950s, of how divorce impacts children as they grow into their 20s. These records confirm much of what McLanahan has shown in her studies of children as they move out of their teens. The studies done by Kiernan and Richards have confirmed that children of divorce are more likely to drop out of school and even leave their homes early.This leads to higher rates of early cohabitation and premarital birth. Kiernan’s and Richard’s work also suggests that children of divorced parents are less likely to attend a university (Divorce). Writer Diana Mahoney best described divorce when she said, â€Å"No  divorce  is a good  divorce, but when it comes to the kids, some  divorces  are clearly better than others† (Jolivet). It is clear that not all children of divorce are impacted the same ways as others, or as profoundly. Parents have the huge responsibility of caring for their children and many parents take this matter too lightly.Many steps should be taken before divorce is even an option, and too many parents see divorce as the only step when a relationship becomes a little shaky. If a divorce is absolutely necessary, it is the parents’ great responsibility to make sure the child always comes first no matter what. Works Cited Amato, Paul R. â€Å"The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children. †Ã‚  Journal of Marriage and Family  62. 4 (2000): 1269-87. ProQuest Central. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. â€Å"Divorce and Children: They Muck You Up. †Ã‚  The Economist  Mar 20 1993: 33-. ProQuest Central. Web. 6 Dec. 2011  . Emery, Robert E. How Divorce Affects Children. † The Truth about Children and Divorce. 2011. 05 Dec. 2011 http://www. emeryondivorce. com/ how_divorce_affects_children. php. â€Å"How Divorce Affects a Child’s Education. †Ã‚  Miami Times: 15B. Ethnic NewsWatch. 2011. Web. 4 Dec. 2011  . Jolivet, Kendra Randall. â€Å"The Psychological Impact of Divorce on Children: What is a Family Lawyer to do? †Ã‚  American Journal of Family Law  25. 4 (2012): 175-83. ProQuest Central. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. Peterson, Karen S. â€Å"Unhappily Ever After Children of Divorce Grow into Bleak Legacy. †Ã‚  USA TODAY: 01. D. ProQuest Central. Sep 05 2000. Web. 6 Dec. 2011  .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Poverty Mother of All Crimes Essay

Does poverty cause crime? Are people criminal because they are poor, or are they poor because they are criminal? The latter is uncontroversial, given the time and professional and educational experience inmates lose, the difficulties they have finding a job after their release etc. But what about the former statement? Crime obviously has many causes, and poverty is most likely one of them in some cases. It seems likely that some poor people may sometimes have to resort to theft in order to survive. But the causal relationship between crime and poverty is only likely for some types of crimes. Other crimes, such as fraud, crimes of passion, serial murder etc. bear absolutely no link to poverty. There may be even an inverse link, since poor people are not in a position to carry out a crime like fraud or insider trading. This paper lists some of the statistics that show a possible correlation between poverty and crime – mainly property crime, more than violent crime. There is also the fact that African-Americans in the U.S. are overrepresented both in prisons and in poverty statistics (see here), indicating as well that there is a correlation. There is some anecdotal evidence (there are many news stories indicating a link, such as the stories about people stranded on a desert island, being subject to extreme scarcity and engaging in crime such as murder and cannibalism). But there’s also anecdotal evidence to the contrary. During the Great Depression, for example, crime did not increase significantly. Poverty can also be an indirect cause of crime. As it leads to under-education it may make the choice of a criminal lifestyle more likely. This graph shows the proportion of US inmates that is illiterate, compared to total US illiteracy: (source) I couldn’t find any data on previous illiteracy, so it may be that under-education (and hence in many cases poverty) is not the cause of crime, but the consequence; being in prison in principle doesn’t help you to get educated. Anyway, it seems intuitively acceptable that there is some causal link between crime and poverty, in both directions. So dealing with crime without dealing with root causes of crime such as poverty, and only focusing on punishment is indeed not the best option. However, none of this should imply: †¢that poverty somehow determines crime, or that crime is a necessary result of poverty; many poor people are not criminals, and many rich people are †¢that poor people are perhaps not predetermined to be criminals, but that they are more disposed to crime than other people; that would be insulting †¢that there are no other, perhaps more important causes of crime such as irresponsibility, immorality etc. †¢that poverty is somehow an excuse for crime, or perhaps even a justification; I think it’s not even a mitigating circumstance †¢that poverty should be reduced to a problem of crime; poverty, slums and homelessness should not be eliminated because they are so-called breeding grounds of crime, but because we have a moral duty to do so. Given the causal link, we should also accept that poverty, like a bad upbringing, is often abused as a false excuse for crime. A related question is the following: are poor inmates incarcerated because they are criminal or because they are poor and can’t escape the law as easily as the rich? Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights gives everyone the right to legal defense, without charge if necessary: Everyone shall be entitled to have legal assistance assigned to him, in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Tea Party Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Tea Party Movement - Essay Example Many critics observed that the critics from Paul were meant for individual benefits especially as campaign tools. He was quoted in his speech saying, â€Å"I think Congress is about 20 years behind† (Ron Paul’s Speech). In his speech ,he dwelt on the on the need to critically articulate the issues related to foreign and domestic strategy issues, which he said they negatively impacted on the economy and he said the country was headed to a worst economy crisis. It is ironical that Ron Paul’s criticism was on the same congress, which he is part of. He is one of the unsuccessful members of the congress, yet he appears the top critic. Ronald Ernest â€Å"Ron† Paul is one of the renowned United States Congressman and emerged to be repeat presidential candidature, having contented for the presidency in 1988, 2008, and 2012. In the year 1988, he was presidential candidate for Libertarian Party in the 12 years break in the years when he was Republican Congressman. In 2008, Ronald Ernest was presidential nominee for Republican Party. He believes on the supremacy of the Constitution and he never proposes a bill to be approved in the Congress, unless it is provided in the constitution. He is presently contesting for presidency under the nomination for Republican Party in the United States (Schoen & Rasmussen 102). He is leading critic of both American foreign and financial policies, prominent for openly opposing the Republican Party where he belongs on certain contentious issues.

The Microsoft Antitrust Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Microsoft Antitrust Case - Essay Example Real Networks' Real Player was said to be a threat to Microsoft's Windows Media Player while Sun Microsystems' Java language was said to be seen as a threat to the Windows Operating system. *** Microsoft bundles applications with its Windows operating system that renders third part producers of such software powerless. By bundling the Internet Explorer and the Windows Media Player with the Windows operating system, Microsoft has limited the share of RealNetworks and Netscape in their respective market segments. As the table above shows, the Microsoft Anti-trust case involves various entities that each has their own issues to bring against Microsoft. This scenario makes the resolution of the case more complex and difficult. A resolution that 2 parties may find appealing may not be adequate for another party. Therefore, finding a settlement for the issues at hand require large amounts of time, effort, and patience form all the parties involved as well as from the mediator who would handle the negotiations. If I was to serve as a third-party mediator in the settlement negotiations of the antitrust case against Microsoft, the first thing I would do is to call on each and every personality or party involved. This may seem like a tedious task but I believe that it is necessary because I would want to hear each side in the story.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Answer 6 question about deaf culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answer 6 question about deaf culture - Essay Example Moreover, they recognize the deaf as a minority from a linguistic and a cultural perspective. In addition, they also consider sign language as the first and natural language for application for Deaf people. The pre-lingual deaf is in reference to an individual born Deaf or someone who lost the sense of hearing before they began learning to speak. On the other hand, the post-lingual deaf is in reference to an individual who becomes deaf after acquiring a spoken language. In the book† Train Go Sorry,† the author describes two observations regarding the implications of being deaf before or after acquiring a spoken language. The first observation indicates that there are some educators and parents who believe that children who are prelingualy deaf will never be able to develop speech and language skills in comparison to the children who are postlingually Deaf. This eventually leads to social isolation and minimizes their chance of getting a decent job. For example, when the doctor recommended 17 year old James for a cochlear implant, the consequent evaluation and recommendation was not good for several reasons. The first reason being that James’s deafness was caused by b acterial meningitis when he was at five years of age. Furthermore, after one and half of years of suffering from the illness, the inner ear developed a bony growth which inhibited the insertion of electrodes. The second reason being that James had a significant amount of residual hearing that enable him to benefit from the use of hearing aids. In the regard, the implication drawn was James disqualification as a deserving candidate for cochlear implant surgery. In retrospect, the cochlear implant is not necessarily an appropriate option for everyone. The second observation is that some educators, doctors, and parents believe that cochlear implant will allow the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Information system Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Information system - Article Example Procedure / Research Business Need: The labour cost control is used to control the situation of overstaffing of breakfast service, and thus can reduce the unnecessary labour expenses of the fine dining restaurant to the accepted budget range, with better using of resources for providing high-quality customer services with efficiency (James, 2003). Functionality: The functionality of the system should have is listed below: Identify the staff mix of morning shift in required number according to the occupancy of the day Defining hourly pay of staff and supervisors Budgeting the staff cost of breakfast service weekly Expected Value: We expect the project can decrease the labour cost of the fine dining restaurant which is led by the overstaffing of breakfast service, due to the ineffective way of rostering. On the other hand, improve customer satisfaction for reducing the complaints about the service inefficiency. Tangible: Reduce the annual total labour cost by 5% Reduce the yearly customer complaints calls by 10% Intangible: Improve staff efficiency Improve customer satisfaction Special Issues or Constraints: F&B manager mandates deadline for 31st May next year The system needed to be in place for the next financial year Technical feasibility Although some risks are presented, the Labour Cost Control System is considered to be technical feasible. The System's risk based on familiarity with application is medium: Microsoft Office such as Words and spreadsheets are commonly used in each department; and management staff had all trained to ensure their competency level of skills and knowledge IT department also has rich experience and knowledge in the utilisation of Microsoft Office and other relevant softwares However, many choices of... The first section is staged at gathering requirements and modelling the system in accordance to it. The design issues are handled in this stage which allows deeper penetration into the system for understanding the business process flows (Boehm, 2001). The labour cost control is used to control the situation of overstaffing of breakfast service, and thus can reduce the unnecessary labour expenses of the fine dining restaurant to the accepted budget range, with better using of resources for providing high-quality customer services with efficiency (James, 2003). We expect the project can decrease the labour cost of the fine dining restaurant which is led by the overstaffing of breakfast service, due to the ineffective way of rostering. On the other hand, improve customer satisfaction for reducing the complaints about the service inefficiency. From the organisational point of view, the project is considered to be low risk and expected to have high investment return (ROI - 182.30%). The project's objective focuses on reducing the labour expenses of the restaurant through breakfast service.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Drugs of Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drugs of Abuse - Essay Example ay and white matter and is the focal point of all human activity—controlling all movements and coordination when a person need to breathe, drive a car, eat some snacks, create some artistic masterpiece, and many other things. Note that, human brain has three very vital areas that can be damaged by drug abuse. The brain stem, which controls basic functions crucial to life, examples include: breathing, heart rate, and sleeping; The limbic system, which consist of the brain’s reward circuit, whereby brain structures are link together, control and regulate a person’s ability to sense pleasure as well as motivates to repeat behaviors like eating. Then, the limbic system that is practically activated the moment people perform activities including drugs of abuse. Furthermore, the limbic system is accountable for perception of other emotions, whether it is positive or negative, and this explains the mood-altering characteristics of many drugs. Probably, the most essential part of the brain is the cerebral cortex, since this area is occupied by structures controlling the senses, enabling people to see, feel, hear, and also to taste. Cerebral cortex is also the â€Å"thinking† area of the brain, very essential for memory, association of facts and events and also for decision making process. Entirely, the brain basically regulates individuals’ basic body functions, including the process of interpreting facts as well as responding to experiences, emotions, and even behavior. Indeed, the brain is composed of many parts which all work together as one team and these parts are responsible for coordinating and conducting particular functions. However, drugs can modify important brain areas which are essential for life-sustaining functions; it can drive the uncontrollable drug abuse which marks addiction. The areas of the brain are certainly affected by drug abuse (National Institutes of Health - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008; p 15). Drugs are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Case Study Example The iPad and the kindle reader were created to serve the same purpose which is to aid ion acquiring scholarly materials. However, the iPad has been developed to incorporate many features and tasks. However, the kindle reader stands out as the best gadget to use in terms of education. With its partnership with the marketing giant Amazon, the kindle reader has made shopping for books much easier. The kindle reader has been developed to download all file formats of documents. Additionally, the kindle reader has been developed to suit all handheld and computer gadgets. To its features, there is an inclusion of the outstanding 8GB memory which makes storing of files easier. The kindle reader also has the ability of storing 6000 books which makes it the ultimate gadget to use in accessing books. Texting while driving has been an issue posing increasing negative effects on the transport system across the globe. From the social setting, lives are lost each due to carelessness driving mainly attributed to texting while on the wheel. According to Laudon (2012) the effects of texting on the while has cost the society the lives of many people. The political front has also felt the effects as governments officials are banned from texting while driving. This was evidence that the government is more than willing to curb the mess. It unethical to text while driving knowing the danger you are exposing yourself and others to. This in some cases can be termed as murder. The effects of texting while driving has been severe in the United States like many other nations around the globe. The states around the United States share the same negative sentiments when referring to texting while driving. However, the general population is not well sensitized as people continue with this ignorant trait. Individuals ignore the warnings made by authorities and other concerned parties. Amid the warnings from authorities, two separate

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Inferential Statistics Essay Example for Free

Inferential Statistics Essay With inferential statistics, you are trying to reach conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data alone. For instance, we use inferential statistics to try to infer from the sample data what the population might think. Or, we use inferential statistics to make judgments of the probability that an observed difference between groups is a dependable one or one that might have happened by chance in this study. Thus, we use inferential statistics to make inferences from our data to more general conditions; we use descriptive statistics simply to describe whats going on in our data. Here, I concentrate on inferential statistics that are useful in experimental and quasi-experimental research design or in program outcome evaluation. Perhaps one of the simplest inferential test is used when you want to compare the average performance of two groups on a single measure to see if there is a difference. You might want to know whether eighth-grade boys and girls differ in math test scores or whether a program group differs on the outcome measure from a control group. Whenever you wish to compare the average performance between two groups you should consider the t-test for differences between groups. Most of the major inferential statistics come from a general family of statistical models known as the General Linear Model. This includes the t-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), regression analysis, and many of the multivariate methods like factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, discriminant function analysis, and so on. Given the importance of the General Linear Model, its a good idea for any serious social researcher to become familiar with its workings. The discussion of the General Linear Model here is very elementary and only considers the simplest straight-line model. However, it will get you familiar with the idea of the linear model and help prepare you for the more complex analyses described below. One of the keys to understanding how groups are compared is embodied in the notion of the dummy variable. The name doesnt suggest that we are using variables that arent very smart or, even worse, that the analyst who uses t hem is a dummy! Perhaps these variables would be better described as proxy variables. Essentially a dummy variable is one that uses discrete numbers, usually 0 and 1, to represent different groups in your study. Dummy variables are a simple idea that enable some pretty complicated things to  happen. For instance, by including a simple dummy variable in an model, I can model two separate lines (one for each treatment group) with a single equation. To see how this works, check out the discussion on dummy variables. One of the most important analyses in program outcome evaluations involves comparing the program and non-program group on the outcome variable or variables. How we do this depends on the research design we use. research designs are divided into two major types of designs: experimental and quasi-experimental. Because the analyses differ for each, they are presented separately. Experimental Analysis. The simple two-group posttest-only randomized experiment is usually analyzed with the simple t-test or one-way ANOVA. The factorial experimental designs are usually analyzed with the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Model. Randomized Block Designs use a special form of ANOVA blocking model that uses dummy-coded variables to represent the blocks. The Analysis of Covariance Experimental Design uses, not surprisingly, the Analysis of Covariance statistical model. Quasi-Experimental Analysis. The quasi-experimental designs differ from the experimental ones in that they dont use random assignment to assign units (e.g., people) to program groups. The lack of random assignment in these designs tends to complicate their analysis considerably. For example, to analyze the Nonequivalent Groups Design (NEGD) we have to adjust the pretest scores for measurement error in what is often called a Reliability-Corrected Analysis of Covariance model. In the Regression-Discontinuity Design, we need to be especially concerned about curvilinearity and model misspecification. Consequently, we tend to use a conservative analysis approach that is based on polynomial regression that starts by overfitting the likely true function and then reducing the model based on the results. The Regression Point Displacement Design has only a single treated unit. Nevertheless, the analysis of the RPD design is based directly on the traditional ANCOVA model. When youve investigated these various analytic models, youll see that they all come from the same family the General Linear Model. An understanding of that model will go a long way to introducing you to the intricacies of data analysis in applied and social research contexts. The T-Test The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically  different from each other. This analysis is appropriate whenever you want to compare the means of two groups, and especially appropriate as the analysis for the posttest-only two-group randomized experimental design. Figure 1. Idealized distributions for treated and comparison group posttest values. | Figure 1 shows the distributions for the treated (blue) and control (green) groups in a study. Actually, the figure shows the idealized distribution the actual distribution would usually be depicted with a histogram or bar graph. The figure indicates where the control and treatment group means are located. The question the t-test addresses is whether the means are statistically different. What does it mean to say that the averages for two groups are statistically different? Consider the three situations shown in Figure 2. The first thing to notice about the three situations is that the difference between the means is the same in all three. But, you should also notice that the three situations dont look the same they tell very different stories. The top example shows a case with moderate variability of scores within each group. The second situation shows the high variability case. the third shows the case with low variability. Clearly, we would conclude that the two groups appear most different or distinct in the bottom or low-variability case. Why? Because there is relatively little overlap between the two bell-shaped curves. In the high variability case, the group difference appears least striking because the two bell-shaped distributions overlap so much. Figure 2. Three scenarios for differences between means. | This leads us to a very important conclusion: when we are looking at the differences between scores for two groups, we have to judge the difference between their means relative to the spread or variability of their scores. The t-test does just this. Statistical Analysis of the t-test The formula for the t-test is a ratio. The top part of the ratio is just the difference between the two means or averages. The bottom part is a measure of the variability or dispersion of the scores. This formula is essentially another example of the signal-to-noise metaphor in research: the difference between the means is the signal that, in this case, we think our program or  treatment introduced into the data; the bottom part of the formula is a measure of variability that is essentially noise that may make it harder to see the group difference. Figure 3 shows the formula for the t-test and how the numerator and denominator are related to the distributions.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Accounts Department Essay Example for Free

The Accounts Department Essay 5.0 CPL was formerly part of the Ashstead Plc but was the subject of a management buyout (MBO) from its previous owners six year ago by five directors-Greg Pearce, Jane Yip, Ruth Jones, Ahmed Khan and Susan Marther. Ashstead and in the everything from brick of the butter and it 2005 when the initial decision was made to move the business model away from being a conglomerate. It was decision that lead to MBO to Chic Paints Limited. 5.1 In early April 2013, Jane Yip, who was that finance director of Chic Paint Limited left the company and was replace by Dave Whistler. 5.3 The purpose of the accounts department is to complete all activities relating to the production of the accounts including sales and purchase ledger and payroll. Due to some of the identified weakness there is management accounting activity or cash flow forecasting. An organization chart is included in appendix 1 5.4 The accounts department-key internal stakeholders 5.4.1 The accounts department consists of finance director who has responsibility for the general strategy of the company as a whole; he is in charge of all accounting, finance, and IT issues and personnel. Many of these day to day responsibilities are delegate to the Chief Account. He also produces the manual report, including its statutory accounts, deal with all the banking and finance issues, fulfills the role of the company secretary to handles all legal issues. 5.4.2 Chief accountant is responsible for day to day running of CPLs Accounts Department. Involves in supervising the work of the accounts clerks who run the transaction accounting system on the general ledger, She has number of staff reporting to her including the costing technician, payroll clerk, accounts payable, accounts receivable clerk ,credit controller, general ledger clerk and accounting system technician. She personally management accounts, bottom up annual production and co-odination, authorizes payment of in voices, make NIC and PAYE, managing day to day cash flow and ensuring the working cycle is kept to level set out by the finance directors. 5.4.3 Accounts Payable Clerk is responsible for entering all suppliers’ invoices and credit notes into the accounts payable or issuing debit notes where necessary, for reconciling supplier’s statements to the accounts payable ledger and for controlling  creditor payments 5.4.4 Credit Controller is responsible for all data input into the ledger, which involves raising sales invoices and credit notes, producing monthly statements and reconciling debtor payments. As the ledger is only updated monthly, she has to use spreadsheets for credit controls purposes, and also for carrying out the company’s credit control procedures, This involves making online credit checks on all new credit customers and recommending a credit limit to the finance directors and Sales Manager 5.4.5 The accounts department is required to inter-relate with other departments in CPL such as production department so they are can be aware of inventory and staff hour worked for the production of payroll. They also need to interact with sales department so invoices can be produced and payments are required to the purchasing department to order goods and make. 5.4.6 The accounts department uses micro excel spreadsheet to record transactions which it then manually moves to the ledger at the month end which run on the software written for CPL and enable trial balance and financial statement to be produced, inventory control is done by excel and sage 50 used for payroll.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Discussing Unemployment In A Theoretical Perspective Economics Essay

Discussing Unemployment In A Theoretical Perspective Economics Essay Unemployment is phenomenon which happens when we find people available without work. It is a big social and economic problem which is very common nowadays in developing and developed countries; Unemployment is usually measured using unemployment rate. Unemployment in Abu Dhabi is phenomenon which has many rates, reasons and results. Before the independence of the U.A.E., The economy was under basic economic control. Fishing and little agriculture were in use as the main activities in UAE. With the breakthrough of oil UAEs economy extended and the oil sector represented more than 35% of UAEs GDP. In 2005, the U.A.E. produced about 2.4 million barrels per day, 85% of it was Abu Dhabis own product. The oil income permitted the government to spend charitably on infrastructure, education, and job creation. The ascending of oil prices in the 1970s provided the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries with the financial funds which made vast economic development programs that required invasion of non-national labor available. However, the slump in oil prices in the mid 1980s and the inhabitants expansion made unemployment an issue in GCC countries. This project assesses unemployment in the UAE and measures the unemployment rate in Abu Dhabi; the capital of the United Arab Emirates. As for the beginning, Unemployment is the incapability for workers who want to find profitable employment. The extent of unemployment in a nation is an indicator of the economic strength of that country. Many causes can negatively affect the unemployment rate counting corporate downsizing, mergers, implementation of automation technologies, and job outsourcing to other nations. UAE unemployment generally Unemployment in the UAE is seen one of the lowest in the world (Kawach 2002). It was initiated to be 2.4 percent by the end of 2001, where the estimated labor force was around 2.1 million and 2.0 million were employed. Due to the increase in population and the expansion in the number of national graduates from universities and higher education schools, unemployment along with nationals turned into a sensitive problem in latest years. Unemployment in the UAE has severe harmful effects on the society and the economy as well. The government will be under political force. It will spend more on social repayments. The economy will be wobbly and wealth misallocated. As a result, the government set a new labor policy to situate nationals in civic and private division jobs, which were up until that time overflowing by non-Emiraties. This policy alerted on a fussy sector, such as finance, in order to accomplish an aim of 30 percent nationalization. According to the Ministry of Planning, the number of working nationals did not surpass 9 percent of the total labor force in 2003. This shows the lack of the proper credentials of nationals to compete labor market requirements. In order to defeat this structural crisis in the 2 labor market, the government requested the educational foundations to put up the shutters of the breach between academic series and labor market through convenient and specialized schooling. Unemployment in UAE is determined in the middle of youth, where more than 50 percent of whole unemployment is involving those with an intermediary level of education and low level of expertise. Unemployment Labor Force We should know which people wants job and which dont in order to evaluate the scope of the unemployment problem. A lot of people dont have a job but people such as those are not part of our problem. Students which study in full-time bases are not among the labor force which is defined as People between 16-65 who are actually working plus all those who arent working but actively looking for a job. For example, old people who live through their retirement are not considered as part of a labor force. Moreover, prisoners who condemned in jail are not among the labor force. Housewives are not a part of the labor force except if they seek a job. Nevertheless, children under the age of 16 who are actually concerned about their play station are also not considered as parts of the labor force. So, actually labor force is about people who look for a paid job outside their houses which also means that people working voluntarily are not considered as part in the labor force. In the other hand, people who are neither employed nor actively looking for a job are called nonparticipants. In labor force we count both the employed and unemployed people who seek jobs. LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE: The amount of the total of no institutionalized and citizen population over 16 years old, we count them citizen labor force. The labor force participation rate is basically equal to the ratio of citizen labor force to the total of no institutionalized citizen population over 16 years old. To estimate the labor force participation rate we used the data that obtained along with other labor force data from the monthly current population survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of labor statistics. Labor force participation rate = civilian labor force total no institutionalized civilian population Labor force growth Figure: P1.a (NOT real just assumption to make it easier to be understood for a reader) Since the labor force continues to grow each year and the population increases with continuing immigration as well, this will expand the production possibilities which cause us to produce more job vacancies in every year. That is such a bad news because then we will have to produce almost millions of jobs more every year to close up the gap. Once the economy finds itself unable to provide jobs to the increasing population UNEMPLOYMENT will be faced as a serious issue. UNEMPLOYMENT has several definitions; one of these definitions is the people who are searching for a job and cant find it through a precise sum of time. Unemployment can be weighed up through dissimilar ways. One of them is taking in thought the amount of people who are employed and those who are fired. ( Measuring Unemployment. Measuring Unemployment is one of steps which help us to study, analyze, evaluate and put solutions for this occur, economics are the most people who focus on the unemployment rate. A main reason for this occurs is the normal increase in the number of people employed due to population and labor force increasing. Statistics of the unemployment serve many different purposes, we need some information which essential to macroeconomic and human resources development planning and policy formulation , this information like measures of labor supply, the structure of employment and the extent to which available labor is actually utilized. Data Sources of Measuring Unemployment : Administrative Records Statistics of unemployment can be drown from administration records , in this way we can registration data which derived from records are based on complete counts, so they will not affected by sampling errors , in addition they are cheap to obtain. But also this way is limited because it only cover small part of the population which uses employment exchanges or is qualified for unemployment insurance benefits. 2. Household Surveys In this source statistics of unemployment can also be obtained from household or labor force surveys, this survey composed sample of household and asking people of working age about their employment activities and also about availability for work by using standard questionnaire. This way also was limited because it depends only on nature replies of people in the household survey , so it will contains many different kind of errors . Reasons of unemployment. Discouraged workers In economics, a discouraged worker is someone between 16 and 65 years old who is not keenly looking for employment. This usually happens because the person has given up searching or has had no accomplishment in finding a job, which is why he is called discouraged. His belief may be obtained from a mixture of factors counting: a lack of jobs in their area or line of work; apparent discrimination for reasons, for example, age, race, sex and religion; a lack of required skills, training, or experience; or a disability. Discouraged workers, who are categorized as marginally attached to the labor force, on the margins of the labor force, or as part of hidden unemployment, are not regarded as to be element of the labor force and are consequently not counted in most official unemployment rates, which persuades the exterior and explanation of unemployment statistics. ( Underemployment The expression underemployment has three different separate meanings and functions. All meanings involve a state where a person is working, unlike unemployment, where a person who is searching for work but cannot find it. All meanings involve underutilization of labor that critics say [weasel  words] is neglected by a large amount of official (governmental agency) classifications and measurements of unemployment. Underemployment can mean: The employment of recruits with high skill levels in small wages occupations that do not require such abilities, for example a trained medical doctor who works as a taxi driver. Involuntary part-time workers who would like to be working for a full time work but can only hit upon part-time occupation. Overstaffing or hidden unemployment, the practice in which businesses provide work for people who are not fully occupiedfor example, workers at present not being used to produce goods or services due to legal or social limitations or because the work is highly seasonal. ( The Human Cost of Unemployment The unemployment causes the human cost, and there are many kinds of human costs. Because we are part of this world ,we must accept that there are casualties caused by unemployment and should be affected by losses. All the people going through these problems , but not all of them have a way to solve it. For the Psychological Study of psychological problems and disorders multiple passes by individuals as a result of these negative experiences and some of these psychological studies to mention talk that the psychological symptoms continue even after the economy improves which leades for men and womens problem to start getting worse. This stigma makes them away and cautious from the society, and perhaps makes them more faded. This increases the psychiatric unit that is the beginning of a psychological disorder at the other, and resorts of ignorance or desperation to relieve the pain do not like initially, including drugs or alcohol. After a long period of self begins Bloom, hates itself in a way that we cannot imagine. This ball will be circulated again and will be the beginning because the hate of others and resent them .., and the worst may retaliate against them (which means that the idea moved to negative behavior or criminal etc. Moreover, the negative aspects in the behavior for the unemployment people are sleeping for a long times and they become lack of sense in time or social and personal responsibly. The work make the person feel of his own personality and his impotents in the society and when he lost it he feel that he lost his social life and his personality as well. Full Employment It is clear that full employment is one of our major Goals in a countrys economy. It is also logical that there is no such a thing as (zero unemployment). That is why the term, Full Employment, is carried by other factors. In fact, There are some reasons why full employment à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   zero unemployment. Seasonal Unemployment Seasonal unemployment is defined as unemployment resulting from a fall in aggregate demand in some economic sectors (and not the economy as a whole). It could see some economic sectors (ex. tourism as a sector, agriculture, or fishing), periods of recession, leading to loss of personnel in these sectors to their jobs temporarily. Frictional Unemployment It is a temporary cessation of work due to the transition from one job to another, or pause to search for another job or to study and so on. Structural Unemployment Economists often use the term structural unemployment for employment problems that arise because of a mismatch between the needs of employers and the skills and training of the labor force. For example, if music schools were to educate many more oboe players than could get positions playing the oboe, we might find that many of them would have to get jobs in other fields. Lacking training for other skilled fields, some oboe players might be unable to get any jobs at all. This would be an instance of structural unemployment. Structural unemployment raises some questions. If an oboe player were offered a job as a disk jockey, at very good pay, and refused the job because it was not the field for which he was trained, what should we make of that? Is the oboe player really willing to work at the going wage? Or should we consider the would-be oboe player as being out of the work force unwilling to work in the opportunities available to him? On the other hand, people with little in the way of training suffer more than average unemployment in most of the industrialized countries. This suggests that structural unemployment is really quite an important problem in the industrialized countries at the end of the twentieth century. Cyclical Unemployment It is the unemployment resulting from the volatility of aggregate demand in the economy, where economy is facing periods of low aggregate demand, resulting in the loss of part of the workforce functions and consequently; a higher unemployment rate in the economy. But it starts to decline when demand starts to rise again overall. The natural rate of unemployment scientists have agreed that the natural rate of unemployment or as they call IT, full employment, the rate of unemployment between 4 to 6%. UAE Unemployment The oil price boom of the 1970s resulted in vast economic development programs in the UAE and a shortage of national labor who are mainly employed in the public sector causes to dependence on foreign labor In 1980 there were more than 80% employment in the use and all of them were non national. In 1986, the falling oil made in United Arab Emirates to the high unemployment rate for the non national and it rise the number of the unemployment national people they search for a job. In doing research in the 2003 show that there are 2.4 per cent is prepared for total unemployment in the UAE national and non national, either at another level, the unemployment rate among the national people of the State is 10.4, its also shown The unemployment rate for women than men, where the percentage of women compared to men, 16.5 percent and accounted for 8.4 The unemployment in UAE has a lot of negative effects on the society and the economy As a result of the ill effects of unemployment in the UAE society government decided to draw up laws that employ citizens in public areas for both. Based on the lack of sufficient qualifications of national have asked the state government educational institutions n upgrading the level of education among students in order to reduce the high level of riparian State Estimating Unemployment in Abu Dhabi The United Arab Emirates has the lowest rate of unemployment of only three percent between its citizens on the Arab words. Dr. Khalid Al Khazraji, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, has said that the unemployment percent between UAE citizens go beyond three percent. On the other hand he noted that the country is almost lacks a lot of statics on the size of the unemployment between UAE citizens. This rate is basically calculated prediction on which the governments build its plans and stratagems for the employment of the UAE nationals in the public and privets sectors. However the fact remnants that the influence of the UAE citizens to the private sector still weak for many reasons, some accredited to the unwillingness of national job seekers, while others to the unwillingness of companies. Although the unemployment rate in 2004 was about 20.60%, but this percent of the unemployment doesnt affect the UAEs position. The Survey Here is a simple survey analysis which is used to guess the unemployment rate in Abu Dhabi. And the questionnaire is promoted to cover the geographical area of Abu Dhabi. Actually the survey obtains the needed information on age, sex, level of education, family size, employed and unemployed members of the family, and why they are not employed, duration of unemployment, and types of jobs preferred. However the survey has been conducted by many ways such as mail distribution, phone cells, and personal interview on 500 families And the face rationality of government officials from the Ministry of Labor. The sample we selected it was depend on Cranachs Coefficient Alpha(0.83), the degree of confidence of the sample survey is tested using t- statics which are averaged 2 at 0.05 level of confidence. For the other statistical displays were measured such as frequency, mathematical average, and percentages. Results and analysis The results that are calculated from the returned survey are presented in Table 2. The unemployment rate along with nationals in Abu Dhabi was found to be 16 percent, and that is superior to the official approximations of 10.4 percent and 6.5 percent for the UAE and Abu Dhabi in that order. This is because rather to the tiny trial size, and can be also clarified by the diverse schemes used for assessment, and the reality that many families who have members that are at working age were barred from the labor force because they were not actually looking for jobs or were constant economically by social aid from the government or from unmitigated families. As anticipated, the result shows a high percentage of nationals that favor working at public sector managerial jobs, and this will enlarge the unemployment rates. The analysis proposes that unemployment rate is tend to boost for many explanations, such as the amplified number of graduates, the quality of education which market demand do es not meet with, and the work surroundings at the private sector with value to working hours and close performance dimensions which does locals are not attracted to. Finally, nationals still do not accept certain jobs because of society or that the jobs are not socially tempting. Conclusion The examination recommends improving the educational and training system to fit labor market requirements. It is also suggested to produce more exact and modernized data on the labor market including (job seekers, employers, and job opportunities), and for more information to be provided and an educational campaign to be carried out to change the approach of the UAE young people in the direction of working at the private sector. Further research is needed to revise the impact of unemployment on UAE economy, women contribution in the labor force and recognizing jobs favored by them, and measuring nationals efficiency weighted against to that of the expatriates, and finally restudying the labor law and rules in light of globalization and new scientific expansions. Resources Kqwach Nadim (Dec. 8, 2002), UAE Unemployment one of the lowest UAE Economic, Abu Dhabi. MENA Development report (2004), Unlocking the Employment Potential in the Middle East and North Africa. Toward a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Social Contract. The World Bank, Washington, D.C. UAE Ministry of Planning 2004, UAE, Abu Dhabi. Muwia E. Ilbrahim, (Jan. 22.2004), Unemployment Spirals among UAE Nationals, Khaleej Times Online.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Good Man Is Hard To Find Essay -- essays research papers fc

Flannery O'Connor's short story collection A Good Man is Hard to Find has many elements of a southern gothic work. Images of ancient castles with sliding panels create suspicious themes and settings that lead the readers into the dark and gloomy world of the southern United States. With all of the violence, horror, and dismal surroundings presented in O'Connor's stories there is too a moral message given. Later gothic work did not always explain horror like this, holding little moral value to contrast their grotesque images (notes, November 1). O'Connor's stories do include a strong moral element, frequently in the form of religious explanations. The characters within A Good Man is Hard to Find are usually ignorant and self-satisfying people, who come across "the grotesque" and are shocked into self-realization, no longer self-satisfied. These grotesque elements are usually the divine in disguise forcing the characters into introspection. In a letter Flannery O'Connor wrote she stated: "You have found Christ when you are concerned with other people's suffering and not your own." In this quotation we can see the moral message O'Connor was attempting to convey in her stories, and through further analysis of the work this fact can be more clearly illustrated. In the first story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, O'Connor's moral message is clearly presented. The grandmother protagonist in the story is very self-serving. She demands constant attention (although rarely getting it) and stubborn in the fact that her wishes must be carried out. She only wants to go to Tennessee to see old connections (O'Connor, pg. 1). The grandmother cannot move away from past and is at the same time confused by accuracy of past events. On the trip a road stop seems very suggestive of a hellish place: barbecue fires, Red Sammy, etc (O'Connor, pg. 6). The grandmother's lack of character judging is pointed out in this scene. She believes that Red Sammy is a good man because he relates to her old fashioned values (she thinks). Sammy is surprised at this and exclaims, "Yes'm, I suppose so," his unsureness makes the reader question Sammy's character. What is more telling is what the waitress says while bringing the food: "It isn't a soul in this green world of God's that you can trust†¦ I don't co... ...ot helping the needy, greed, dishonesty)? By finally accepting the priests company after becoming bed ridden we can infer that Mrs. McIntyre has indeed been changed by what the displaced person has taught her and is more willing to accept her past deeds and be forgiven for them. As we can see O'Connor's moral message of religion leading people's concerns away from self-suffering is quite prevalent in most of the stories in A Good Man is Hard to Find. By analyzing stories such as A Good Man is Hard to Find, The Displaced Person, The Artificial Nigger, and Good Country People we can see the representation of religion hidden behind grotesque elements that force the characters towards introspection and change. These interpretations can be taken further as a possible comment of American culture showing sometimes a horrible apocalyptic vision. O'Connor's moral lessons seem to be telling us that by finding Christ we may overcome these grotesque elements and become stronger people who, through the grace of God, care more for the people around us than our selfish wants. Bibliography 1. O'Connor, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace and Co., 1976

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Security on the Internet Essay example -- essays research papers

Security on the Internet Today's information is highly interconnected by the internet. With this interconnection of computer systems through the internet comes computer crime. Breaking into computer systems, damaging information, and stealing information, more commonly known as hacking, has become extremely common on the internet. As hacking becomes more frequent, and as some would say, more of a problem, should we consider hacking a criminal activity? Information from across the world is stored on computer systems-most of which are connected, networked, to other computer systems through the internet. â€Å"In the ideal situation, this interconnection of information enables others from outside a specific computer network to access that specific computer network and its information.† (Amoroso, 2003) This has created a world in which information is extremely important and extremely easy to access, which in turn has created a government, business, and personal society that is dependant on and successful from the networked information. But this network also has its drawbacks. Besides enabling people who need to use the information for legitimate business or personal use to gain access, the network also-often unknowingly-enables unauthorized people to gain access to the information; in one way or another, no matter what kind of network security they have implemented. Gaining access to a computer system that does not intentionally allow you access is called hacking. Microsoft's Internet Explorer has it’s flaws, and criminal hackers cracker know it. In recent weeks, these evildoers have staged several well-orchestrated Internet Explorer attacks designed to steal your banking and credit card information. The result has been that you can't trust the internet. How will you know if a secure site is truly safe? Here's a look at what's wrong with internet security and what you can do to keep your data under lock and key. That issue is not the only one, but several flaws are contained within internet. Some well known and some not so well known so-called zero day attacks. All of the serious attacks also use tiny apps called keystroke-logging Trojan horses, which capture IDs, passwords, and credit card information as you type them. And all of the attacks so far happen without users even suspecting there's anything wrong. Elements of the Russian mafia coordinated a brilliant... ...more regulation comes more policing, and with more policing less freedom and privacy. Other non-hackers believe that hackers need to be caught and punished, but without taking away the freedom and privacy that the Internet offers now. They do not want the government or law enforcement to monitor the Internet. They only want better laws to prosecute the hackers after they are caught, and better ways of catching the hackers without infringing on the general public's security. References Amoroso, Edward. 2003 â€Å"Fundamentals of Internet Security Technology† Publisher: P T R Prentice Hall. Cohen, Frederick B. 2004 â€Å"Protection and Security on the Information Superhighway† Publisher: New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Fream, Anne M. 2001 â€Å"A Social Learning Theory Analysis of Computer Crime Among College Students† Publisher: Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Schwartau, Winn. 2002 â€Å"Information Warfare: Chaos on the Electronic Superhighway† Publisher: New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. Sullivan, A. 2005. Hackers aren’t just picking on Microsoft: study. Retrieved May 2, 2005, from