Monday, December 23, 2019

Reflections On Core Values And Self Inventory - 1755 Words

Reflections on Core Values and Self Inventory Stephanie Sciaudone University of Indianapolis Reflections on Core Values and Self Inventory As the Dalai Lama states, kindness is my religion. Kindness is the value I hold most dear, the highest ethic to which I can aspire, and the reason I chose nursing as a career. With ethics an active process and constant learning experience (Butts Rich, 2008), the ethics of kindness are based upon morality, the basic tenant of do unto others as you would have others do unto you. It is easy to classify kindness within the framework of common morality within our culture as a whole, although sometimes difficult to identify in a one-to-one ratio. Fahrenwald et al (2005) identify core values in nursing as â€Å"human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice† (p. 46). I would factor in kindness as a key component to ethical nursing care. While I respect the concept of ethical relativism and cultural relativism in that ethics may be different among different cultures, kindness is better described as within ethical objectivism, as kindness is a universal moral pr inciple based on moral reasoning (Butts Rich, 2008). This may be seen as putting kindness into Socrates’ realm of moral reasoning and critical thinking, both key factors to becoming a successful nurse (Butts Rich, 2008). I prefer to take a care-based approach in conjunction with a scientific inquiry approach to patient care. As such, I would prefer toShow MoreRelatedThe Self Esteem Of Adolescent Females Through Delving Into And Reconnoitering Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pagesfeelings we hold about ourselves involves self-esteem (Myers, Willse, Villalba, 2011). Challenging boundaries, discovering our beliefs and values, and exploring who we are as people starts in adolescence (Arnett, 2013). 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